David Maljkovic

New representation

Galeria Francisco Fino is thrilled to share the representation of David Maljkovic’s work.


At the core of Maljković’s (Rijeka, 1973) practice is a regimented exploration of formalist concerns. Whilst narrative is the driving element at the origin of a project, the artist’s varied means of visual implementation consistently and profoundly modifies and compromises its supremacy, whether that is through photography, video, sculpture, installation, collage or painting. The process of construction within a set of formal directives encrypts his narratives and postulates what he describes as a new semantic logic. Virtually all of Maljković’s work is engaged with historical and technological markers that are characterized by situations both local and universal. In each, the erosion and corruption of memory are the subjects that are left to the viewer.


More about the artist

20 Mar 2024
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