Chains of Interest

Adrien Missika

Galeria Francisco Fino is delighted to announce Adrien Missika’s participation in the group show Chains of Interest, at ifa Gallery Berlin, from September 30th to January 22nd.


With works by Isaac Chong Wai, Carlfriedrich Claus, Lizza May David, Hannah Höch, Joe Jones, Wilhelm Klotzek, Käthe Kollwitz, Ofri Lapid, Adrien Missika, Elisa Tan, Endre Tót and Gitte Villesen

Curated by Inka Gressel and Susanne Weiß


Chains of Interest is the second part of this artistic-curatorial investigation intended to deepen the artists' relationships with the ifa collection. They take the floor with newly developed works of their own featuring various artistic languages, attitudes, and environments expressed in film, sound, language and playful performance. The exhibition moves from phrase to image to thought all the way to action, connecting them all in a polyphonic score of voices.”


More information


30.09.2022 - 22.01.2023


ifa-Galerie Berlin
Berlin, Germany

30 Sep 2022
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