Karlos Gil
Second Skin is new body of work that deals with the redistribution of what constitutes the organic and the inorganic, presenting the skin as an interface between the body and its environment. These pieces use different organic materials from the cosmetic industry like botox, vitamins, calcium, snake venom or glycerin, in order to “reanimate” them and give them a second life through recontextualization. These “skin paintings” use as “first layer” several pictures taken from different Shiseido advertisement campaigns, a company characterized for using at least a 60% of natural ingredients in their components. With the “Second Skin” series, Karlos Gil reflects on how various forms of con- temporary knowledge and the technological development modulate our perception of the body, bringing together deep research from the fields of culture, biology and the industrial that operate simultaneously at the scale of our cells and of our planet.
2020 Come to Dust, Galeria Francisco Fino, Lisbon
2022 ARCOmadrid, Spain - Galeria Francisco Fino, Lisbon