Vasco AraújoTrabalhos para nada: In memoriam, 2024Iron table, wooden carvings, velvet fabric, paper labels with text written in sepia ink.
Texts: from various authors.120 x 70 x 115cm -
Vasco AraújoRehearsals: Rough for Radio I, 2024B/W digital photographs sewn and glued onto black PVC, text written directly on the glass with an oil-coloured pen90x70cm
Vasco AraújoEros e Thanatos, 202424 clay figures, 18 painted metal tripodsVariable dimensions
Vasco AraújoMore than a body: Idaspe (Ombra fedele anch’io), 2024Colour digital photograph, painted text on white on paper
Text: “E’ un incendio fra due vent” from the opera 'Rinaldo' by G.F. Handel
160 x 116 cm
30 x 22 cm -
Vasco AraújoMy Way, 20245 Chariots, 107 costumes inside plastic covers, 213 cardboard tags with inkjet185,5 x 850 x 65 cm
Vasco AraújoInterview, 202416/9 video20’40’’
Variable dimensionsEdition of 5 plus 1 artist's proof -
Vasco AraújoDiva’s Props Archive, 202412 digital color photographs printed on 310gr William Turner paper (40 x 30 cm each), 12 acrylic boxes162 x 91,5 cm
Vasco AraújoEntre Actos (Vissi d’Arte, Vissi d’Amore), 2024Painted wood, 2 LCD monitors, 1 pair of speakers, media player, and 2 videos3’16’’ loop
165,9 x 100 x 65 cm -
Vasco AraújoLa Superba, 202416 color digital photographs glued on 3mm PVC (39 x 49 cm), 21 color digital photographs glued on 3mm PVC (21.5 x 29.5 cm), 2 color digital photographs glued on 3mm PVC (39 x 24.5 cm)Variable dimensions
Vasco AraújoS’HE #1, 2024Digital color photograph plasticized on dibond80 x 100 cm
Vasco AraújoS’HE #2, 2024Digital color photograph plasticized on dibond80 x 100 cm
Vasco AraújoS’HE #3, 2024Digital color photograph plasticized on dibond80 x 100 cm
Vasco AraújoS’HE #4, 2024Digital color photograph plasticized on dibond80 x 100 cm
Vasco AraújoA Testimony (Archive Sound Coil #1), 2024Reel-to-reel tape recorder, media player, headphones13’02’’
38,5 x 28 x 12,5 cm -
Vasco AraújoA Testimony (Archive Sound Coil #2), 2024Reel-to-reel tape recorder, media player, headphones1’42’’
26 x 22 x 7 cm -
Vasco AraújoDiva’s Intimate Archive, 202410 digital black and white photographs printed on 310gr William Turner paper (30 x 30 cm each), text written in black pen180 x 60 cm
Vasco AraújoRehearsals: Cascando, 2023Colour digital photographs sewn and glued onto black PVC, text written on glass with oil coloured pen90 x 70 cm
Vasco AraújoRehearsals: Rough for Radio II, 2023B/W digital photographs sewn and glued onto black PVC, text written on glass with oil coloured pen90 x 70 cm
Vasco AraújoDo mesmo e do outro... #4, 2023Bird feathers, wooden table, metal Gold painted text
168 x 50 x 55 cm -
Vasco AraújoMore than a body: Rinaldo, 2023Colour digital photograph, printed text on paper
160 x 116 cm and 30 x 22 cm
Vasco AraújoPunctum #15, 2022Photo camera wooden chassis, digital photographs plasticized on PVC112 x 59 x 4 cm
Vasco AraújoPunctum #16, 2022Photo camera wooden chassis, digital photographs plasticized on PVC15 x 68 x 4 cm
Vasco AraújoPunctum #18, 2022Photo camera chassis (wood and metal), digital photograph glued on PVC and plasticized54 x 170 x 4 cm
Vasco AraújoPunctum #9, 2022Photo camera chassis (wood and metal), digital photograph glued on PVC and plasticized31 x 10,8 x 4 cm
Vasco AraújoPunctum: Circular path, 20228 digital photographs, painted metal structure, metal tripod180 x 105 x 105 cm
Vasco AraújoListening Machine #1, 2021Painted wood, painted metal, recorded voices, media player, speakers164 x 100 x 175 cm
Vasco AraújoStudium #1, 2021Digital color photograph plasticized on dibond160 x 140 cm
Vasco AraújoWhen what you see reminds you of a fullness moment, 2021Acrylic resin, rope27 x 15 x 12 cm
Vasco AraújoListening Machine #4, 2021Painted metal, rubber wheels, light bulb, softbox, painted text260 x 152 x 165 cm
Vasco AraújoStudium #2, 2021Digital color photograph plasticized on dibond160 x 140 cm
Vasco AraújoPathosformel, 2020/21Video 16:901:00:32Edition of 3 plus 1 artist's proof
Vasco AraújoRepeat After Me, 2020Painted metal, wood and metal tripod, sound speakers, sound system140 x 90 x 140 cm
Vasco AraújoEntre Actos #2, 2020Painted wood, LCD monitor, headphones, media player, video165 x 45 x 40 cm
00:03:23 -
Vasco AraújoEntre Actos #1, 2020Painted wood/ LCD monitor, headphones, media player, video170 x 45 x 40 cm
Vasco AraújoSe pensavas que te livravas de mim…, 202081 colour digital photographs35 - 31.5x23x0,3 cm / 25 - 28,5x22x0,3 cm / 21 - 49,5x17x0,3 cm
Variable dimensions -
Vasco AraújoTime and the Other #A, 2019Painted cardboard, fabric, text on paper, pins80 x 60 x 5 cm
Vasco AraújoWorks for Nothing "Your Hand on Mine", 2019Painted glass, gloves’ models, text on paper110 x 100 x 10 cm
Vasco AraújoCapriccio, 2018Theatre curtain with digital print (600 x 450 cm), metal bar, video 16:9
Variable dimensions -
Vasco AraújoNoteBook - La morte del desiderio, 201880 colour digital photographs (45 x 35 cm and 35 x 27 cm)Variable dimensions
Vasco AraújoBetween Time and Desilusionment, 20183 painted wooden boxes, 3 printed coloured papers65 x 45 cm
Vasco AraújoThe Enemy, 2018Digital photograph, light projector, sound system, speakers, sound recording (00:08:00), wooden boxVariable dimensions
Vasco AraújoAll the Stories, 201816:9 video, screen, projector table, 4 chairs00:17:39
Variable dimensionsEdition of 3 plus 1 artist's proof -
Vasco AraújoAdansonia, 2017Metal structure, drawings on paper (155 x 250 cm each), video250 x 155 cm
Variable dimensions -
Vasco AraújoTheme Park, 20166 letters, table, wall text, 16:9 video00:08:44
Variable dimensionsEdition of 3 plus 1 artist's proof -
Vasco AraújoLa Schiava, 2015Video 16:900:28:50
Variable dimensionsEdition of 5 plus 1 artist's proof -
Vasco AraújoPortrait, 2014Video 16:900:17:04
Variable dimensionsEdition of 5 plus 1 artist's proof -
Vasco AraújoLasts, 2012Painted metal structure, 130 lasts, vinyl text, 6 chairs, 6 booksVariable dimensions
Vasco AraújoVulcano, 2012Video 16:900:17:04
Variable dimensionsEdition of 5 plus 1 artist's proof -
Vasco AraújoApollo’s Women, 2010Video 16:900:18:03
Variable dimensionsEdition of 5 plus 2 artist's proofs -
Vasco AraújoImpero, 2010Video 16:900:17:39
Variable dimensionsEdition of 5 plus 1 artist's proof